Friday Night Lights -

Fall is a lot more busy than people realize. With school kicking into high gear, you hope the kick makes the field goal for the extra point. Yes, that’s right - it’s football season! High School sports are in full swing and there’s plenty to choose from, but it’s the fun of the community coming together to cheer on the hometown’s gridiron gladiators that brings the outdoor excitement to the fall weekends.
Even if you don’t have any youth in sports, you know a friend that does and it gives you an excuse to get out and grab the popcorn or nachos, with a slice of pizza and join them in the bleachers for some hair-raising plays. You see the risk of a throw that goes deep down the field and you find yourself holding your breath as it descends with two opponents in a dead sprint as they look over their shoulders… INTERCEPTION! You just spilled some popcorn and are now screaming as you involuntarily stood up, watching them run the ball!
As you’re belting out, “GO-GO-GO!” you see the opponents coming up on their heels and diving in superman-like fashions to grab the legs, as he narrowly escapes out front. Twenty - Ten - Five - TOUCHDOWN! The roar of the fans erupt, as the shockwave of fireworks detonates in the air with celebration. Instead of being at home wondering what to do on a fall Friday night, your adrenaline is almost pumping as much as those on the field.
The Brainerd Lakes Area has numerous schools in any direction and your co-workers come from every direction, so there’s no shortage of games to attend. On Sunday’s you can yell at the game on TV if you're saving money. But for a few bucks, you can support your local school spirit and be a part of the game, contributing to the decibel levels with your own cheers! The fun part is when you get involved in the face-painting, pennants, or foam hands. . . and maybe even buy some of the apparel to sport in front of the other team that rolled into town.
This is your town - this we’ll defend. At least with support for the hometown players as they defend their field. It’s a turf war - literally. The impacts, flips, sprints and the player who becomes a giant in the moment, as multiple players descend on him - yet can’t get him to the ground. He grunts loudly as he steps forward a few more steps with three or four - maybe more, trying to get him down to stop the play. It’s seeing what these players are capable of at such young ages that brings the hype. October has plenty to do, so get out and join in the fun of the Friday Night Lights!