Notch 8 Chow House & Drinkery -

Changing the atmosphere for a lunch date to impress a friend isn’t easy to do. Yet time starts bending as you arrive at Notch 8. You go there to eat but find yourself encapsulated inside History itself. A menu for modern taste buds keeps you grounded in reality as your surroundings walk you through a display of the strength and innovation it took during the Industrial Revolution to expand the American dream.
Alright - back to reality. After looking around, I scanned the menu with its appetizers, burgers, wraps and baskets. I noticed that the list of pizza’s shared a single common denominator - a Roasted Garlic Bulb. Admittedly, I have never tried this and my curiosity had already decided for me, that it was a go. I started looking around again and even got up to start taking pictures like a tourist as I couldn’t help myself. And then it happened…
I saw the Bacon BBQ Burger. I don’t know if it was the pepperjack cheese staring back at me or if I was interested in the bun with the various seeds on the top; but its appearance was worthy of its own commercial as it passed by, almost in slow motion. In contrast, you see tv commercials and then go to the places and the product looks nothing like the ad, but Notch 8 did the opposite. They let the food do the talking both visually and by word of mouth, which is how we found out about it. I’ll let the picture do the talking since it was someone else’s order. As we waited on the pizzas, the urge was too strong and I got back up from my chair to look outside.
In order to gain the strength of not staring at the food being delivered to others, I had to distract myself by busting out the ‘ol camera and capturing this historic landmark. This has been in my hometown and I’ve driven past these buildings for decades without a thought. Walking to the doorway to take pictures of the ‘train yard’ I was…
*Did they just bring that guy Pretzel Bites and what are those sauces!?*
Looking back out of the window to avoid being caught staring at people’s food, I saw the modern day railway but it was the southern door where the scenery began. To put it in perspective, Orville Wright (Wright Brothers) was born the year this was built in 1871 and 32 years later, would be the famous flight at Kittyhawk. With the ding of a cell phone to snap me back, I saw our pizza approaching the table. It was time to eat. Let me just say, squeezing a roasted garlic bulb over your pizza will unlock the pizza’s potential. A flavor so delicious that dopamine releases in the brain as it signals to the body, the pleasurable reward you just experienced. Everything from dates, lunch meetings, even down to curiosity - Notch 8 is the “Must Try” stop that was hidden in plain sight!