Axe Throwing at the Wreck Room -

“Let’s throw an axe indoors” never came to mind, but the Google search for things to do, showed The WreckRoom at Roundhouse Brewery in Nisswa, Minnesota does just that. The adult in me says it is a bad idea, but there was a reckless teenager in me, who had already grabbed the keys and walked us out to the car. The curiosity itself had its own gravitational pull.
The questions inside me multiplied, as the GPS guided us to this place called “The Wreck Room” but it was the word (wreck) that I could not shake. “Can we really do this legally? How safe could this possibly be? I didn’t miss that last medical insurance payment did I?”
“Your destination is on the right… you have arrived at your destination.”
It’s Go-Time! Walking in, we went through the brewery before heading upstairs. It had that turn of the century, old style architecture feel to it. The nostalgia alone was inviting, but how far back are we really going? Even Paul Bunyan himself could dress like a 17th Century Viking and blend in, with this house of Ale’s and Axe’s. This was no bowling alley as the lanes themselves are made out of interchangeable wood, from the intentional carnage that was coming.
It’s time for a brew, to steady these hands. With a selection to choose from in the WreckRoom, even more options are downstairs in the Brewery. With Instructors to guide you on the choice of the best weighted axe to throw that best suits you; you are also shown proper throwing techniques, which ensures the safety for all involved, which is paramount. Yes, you can safely throw an axe indoors, without your parents jumping out from behind a corner to yell at you. As you follow along with the instructors' demonstrations, you can not wait to try it! Yet your heart misses a beat when you are told to grab the heavy steel off of the rack, as it is now your turn.
What do you do for date night, when you have pretty much done everything your hometown has to offer? I bet breaking the rules of everything you have been raised by and taught, was not on the list.
The first throw is a leap of faith, as the axe spins toward its intended target. Do not worry about sticking the blade in the first few attempts. You are allowed a “trial throw” for familiarity, to understand the feel of the release and spiral. Now that you are underway, your competitive side kicks in and you want to throw more! Each time the blade sticks to the wall, more exhilaration ensues. Johnny Carson would have been proud to have you on the show.
Date Night has been rejuvenated with a new way to get out of the house or cabin while in the Lakes Area! The laughs and memories that are being forged here, will go down in history as you feel that up-north vibe, each time your hand wraps around that axe handle.